Join the Appalachian Branch of Clan MacMillan
Clan MacMillan's largest branch has a geographical area from the Mason-Dixon Line south to Florida, and from the east coast of the USA to the Mississippi River.
Joining the Appalachian Branch helps support the work of the Clan Centre at the Clan Home, Finlaystone Estate, in Scotland. Membership is open to all MacMillans (regardless of spelling) and septs. Your membership benefits include:
A certificate recognizing you as a Clansman of the Appalachian Branch of Clan MacMillan,
Information packet on the origins of Clan MacMillan,
Your own copy of “Clan MacMillan, An Introduction” by Graeme M. Mackenzie, Clan Historian and Genealogist,
The Chatterbox, the Appalachian Branch’s quarterly e-newsletter with information on all of the current events and news to keep you in touch with your fellow Clan Members, and
Premier seating within the Clan Tents at the sponsored Highland Games throughout the year.
Not to mention that a portion of each member dues is donated to the Clan Center to help ensure all MacMillans all around the world can stay connected.